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Hot Strippers Break it Down for You

Have you ever really wanted to know about how strippers think and feel about certain questions that you may have? Whether you have questions about tipping etiquette, how to hire strippers, anything else industry related we have the answers here for you. You can learn about what you can do to make sure that your experience with strippers is as rewarding as possible for you.

First Question: What can a party do when setting up for private strippers that will make it easier for their performance?

Answer: Strippers only have a specific amount of time that they can spend at each and every show. If you want to get the most for your money you will want to have your room set up, the group assembled so that he or she can start performing upon their arrival. If you have to waste time by moving the coffee table around and setting up chairs you will be the one missing out. Clear out a space in an open area and set some chairs up on a circle or half circle around the open area. This way you can be ready for the fun to begin and have a fully functional seating area ready for your guests.

Second Question: What is the best way to go about booking a stripper?

Answer: Simply put, avoid the phone book. The last thing that you want to do is blindly order a stripper from an agency that you know nothing about. If you legitimately want to make sure that the experience is everything that you want it to be then you will need to find a great agency in your area and select a stripper from the photos that they have posted online. This way, you can be sure that there will be no disappointment on the night of your party.

Third Question: How much should I tip my stripper and what is the best way to tip them, a lump sum in the beginning at the end, or continuously throughout the show?

Answer: Some people may not want their guests to feel obligated to tip the stripper which is why they will want to give the dancer a bulk tip at the beginning or end of the show. Although any gratuity is always appreciated, most strippers’ shows are geared off of the premise that they are working for tips during the duration of the show. Therefore, if you want the stripper to come your way and show you something special you will sit there with your cash in hand waving it at the stripper to get their attention.

This is how it works, how these dancers operate. If you are hosting a party and you don’t want to make your guests fell obligated to tip then you can go to the bank and exchange some bills for a pack or two of singles and then pass them out to your guests. They’ll have their dollar bills in hand if they want to tip the strippers for an extra favor or trick.
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